Inspiration, creativity & growth.

I’ve had some pretty great experiences on my journey so far and one of the best has been growing up at the Abrolhos Islands as a kid. Days spent fishing, swimming,  jumping off the jetty, painting rocks and coral and making boats out of cuttlefish to race with the other kids. Life there was simple, creative and wholesome. My connection with nature was really nurtured here. And it inspires much of the art I make today, 30 odd years later.

I’ve always been a maker in one way or another. I grew up painting from the age of 2. My first canvas was our living room wall and the medium I used was poo. A bit yuck I know, but it’s true. After that my medium quickly changed when Mum started buying me Crayola art packs filled with pencils and paint. Remember them? I loved them and I still feel excited when I see them in a shop these days. 

So drawing, painting and exploring nature have always been a part of my life. It’s how my family and friends know me. It’s how I know myself. In hindsight it seems natural that I would find myself in a creative career as a graphic designer and artist.

Despite being accepted to study psychology at uni after graduating high school I decided instead to travel for a year and then pursue a degree in 2D and 3D design. 

It’s no surprise to me that for over 9 years I specialised in helping other therapeutic professionals to share their work and that I’ve now come full circle to study counselling and somatic therapy myself.

After graduating uni and starting my freelance design business I immersed myself in the jungle of Indonesia for 4 years and began a deeply rewarding journey of clearing limiting beliefs, changing destructive patterns, overcoming addictive behaviours and deepening my capacity for compassion toward myself and others. When I began this journey in 2014 I decided to devote my design career to working with clients who help others to heal, connect and grow. 

Since embarking on my own self development journey, I have designed brands for life coaches, bodyworkers, massage therapists, breath-workers, transformational voice coaches, women’s empowerment leaders, book writing mentors, feminine embodiment teachers, transformational facilitators, relationship counsellors, and health coaches all over the world.  

Each time I design one of these brands I’m reminded of my love for hearing people's stories, helping them to express themselves and connect with others. I’ve always loved learning about human behaviour and it seems the more I’ve designed for these clients, the more I’m inspired to pursue my interest in helping others to discover and share their gifts with the world through creativity and therapy.

I’m grateful to be now exploring the overlap between my passions for connection, healing and creativity. My somatic therapy studies and my own art practice both give me a way to express what I can’t in words, to evoke feelings and deepen my understanding of my relationship with myself and my external environments. I feel so grateful to all those who’ve taught me and for all I have learned. I hope to use it all in assisting others to experience their own clarity and self expression. 

“Creativity involves breakingout of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way.”

Edward de Bono

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